[Theme Music Begins]
ADRIENNE: (Over radio) Commence report–
BEN: (Over radio) Commence report–
LT RIGGS: (Over radio) Commence report–
GORDON: (Over radio) Commence report–
KATHY: (Over radio) So…I guess I start with…commence report.
ADRIENNE: We have uncovered a complete subterranean alien colony city
BEN: (Voice echoing) It’s incredible. Huge! It just drops away for miles.
LT RIGGS: But I am more concerned with the benefits of this technology, not a history lesson.
KATHY: Proximan remains have been found on-site. This could indicate an evacuation gone wrong.
ADRIENNE: If this site was abandoned, which it seems to be, then there must have been a reason.
BEN: There’s an entire mystery to go through here. Six hundred dead alien bodies. Probably thousands more missing or otherwise unaccounted for.
[A short pause from dialogue in which the theme music becomes momentarily more present]
GORDON: I found a chamber. Something is ticking over down there. It’s not dead.
LT RIGGS: We might figure out how it works by poking it, but unless we’re careful we’ll likely blow our own faces off.
BEN: I asked him to look into that artefact. If something happened to him because of it…
ADRIENNE: Look, I’m just going to get right to it. We have a crew member missing.
[Another dialogue pause during which the theme music becomes interlaced with a sound like alarm bells]
GORDON: There’s no inherent danger involved in what I’m doing.
COMPUTER ANNOUNCEMENT: Among the Stars and Bones is a science fiction, xenoarchaeological audio drama. For more information go to
KATHY: (On radio) I guess, that wraps it up…um…end report?
[SFX – A computer beep ends the trailer]