PRE-SHOW ANNOUNCEMENT: Welcome to the first episode of Among the Stars and Bones. A note before we begin: The show features characters in a hostile environment and is intended for a mature audience. As such it contains material that may be upsetting or triggering for some people. Although there are no specific content warnings for this episode, they will usually be found in the show notes. Please, make use of them if you need to.

[Theme Music Plays]

COMPUTER: Among the Stars and Bones

[Theme Music Ends]

[Computer Chime: Open Status Report]

COMPUTER VOICE: For attention of Jennifer Connolly, Eudoxus Initiative. Herodotus Task Force Status Report.Mission: Planet Tefen. Status Report 1. Five Entries included. Entry 1. Comptroller’s Report.

[Computer Chime: Open Entry]


[Background sounds of a ticking analog clock. Regular computer chirps indicate Comptroller Barnes is getting a steady stream of updates from the rest of the mission team.]

ADRIENNE: Commence report: Comptroller Adrienne Barnes reporting. Herodotus mission Day 3. January 9, 2211. We made planetfall on Tefen approximately 11:12 Earth Standard Time, January 7. Four days overdue, but the captain chose to divert around military operations being conducted on separatist holdings in sector 9. The archaeological pods, storage hangars, containers and ancillary equipment were all deployed without incident. We used Deployment Site Delta due to concerns that high wind off the nearby cliffs would hamper descent at the other LZs. It puts us an extra quarter mile from the Alpha site entrance, but the terrain is easier on my knees, so as far as I’m concerned it balances out.

All 96 mission crew are in good health.

We spent the rest of day one establishing our base of operations, powering up pods, mobilising equipment and sending the mech bots in to check on atmospheric prep at the site. The seals have held and the climate control tech the survey teams set up is working perfectly. The interior air is breathable, which is a blessing because the soup out there would burn your throat before you could suffocate.

The stellarcast generator was top priority, and if you’re hearing this, then the first infocast is through and everything is golden. Of course if the techs missed something you won’t be hearing this and will probably assume we’re all dead. I’ve found waiting for the first return cast is always one of the most anxious parts of any expedition. It will be good to hear your voice two days from now Jennifer.

On mission Day 2 the teams entered the alien ruins. Lieutenant Riggs is heading up the Alpha site detail with the military science team. So far her assessment bears out the conclusion of the initial survey mission. If she’s right, and this is some kind of ancient terraforming technology, we could be on to the find of a lifetime. Currently they are working their way through what they believe to be the command centre before branching out. The site is vast so they’re being as systematic as possible, but I’ll let her fill you in.

The Alpha site is nothing compared to the Beta site, though. We have uncovered a complete subterranean alien colony city. I know the geophysical survey from the advance team had it pegged as “living quarters” but either they have a god-like talent for understatement or they did their job poorly. It is huge. It connects to the Alpha site via a 900 yard tunnel, and then opens up and drops away…we’re not even 100% sure how far yet, but two miles minimum. Ben will give you details, but this was more than just a support facility for those working on the terraformer. This must have been a fully functioning colony.

The Beta site, this city, that’s where the bulk of the academic teams are working, building up a map of the interior. Even with the drones working around the clock this is going to take some time. The layout appears to be basically circular, each level a ring around a wide central shaft that goes down into the depths of the facility. I’ve only allowed people access to the topmost three levels so far while we get drones down there to place network relays and lighting. And to scan to determine structural integrity. If this city was carved into the rock then there may have been tremors and quakes. Besides, if the site was abandoned, which it seems to be, then
there must have been a reason. Safety first.

I have it on good authority that Gordon Price has been lower, however, maybe much lower, chasing some readings. I’ll have to speak to him about that. I know he was hired for his…tendency to follow his instincts, but he’s setting a bad example. As you know, I was against his inclusion, but I will grudgingly admit that if there’s anyone who can make sense of all this left over technology, it’s him.

And there is a lot to go through. Early indications are that excepting the ravages of age, the place was left in working order. Which leads to the obvious question: Did the aliens abandon this place because it no longer suited their purposes? Did they find hazards they could not overcome even with their advanced technology? I’m hoping Ben and his team can shed light on this. If this was a functioning colony city there must be some records he and the other linguists can translate. Look at me, even I’m caught up in the excitement of this place.



HATTERSLEY (ON COMMS): Comptroller Barnes, we’re having some trouble locating the waste management kits. The manifest had them in hangar 8 but there’s nothing here.

ADRIENNE: (Sighs) Nothing? You mean empty space or something that shouldn’t be there.


ADRIENNE: (Irritation into resignation): That’s…I’ll be right there.


ADRIENNE: Ah the glamorous life I lead. I used to dream of being head of Xenoarchaeology on something like this, before I realised that my “talents” such as they are, lay elsewhere.

Suffice it to say, between the technology of the Alpha site and the trove of wonders the Beta site might hold, this could be our best chance to learn about the Proximans. And learn from them. I’m sure you’re eager to hear from the department heads, so I’ll leave it there. Hope to hear from you soon Jennifer.

End report.

[Computer Chime: End of entry]

COMPUTER: Entry 2. Xenoarchaeology Report

[Computer Chime: Begin Entry]



[The chamber is full of echoes. In the distance can be heard the sound of equipment being banged into place and screwed together. Occasionally drones can be heard flying overheard, bots are walking by, and snatches of conversation from other people working on other floors reverberate and bounce around.]

BEN: I can’t believe you are missing this Jen. It’s incredible. Huge. So many surprises being thrown up already, and we’ve only been here a day.

When we got to the end of the tunnel from Alpha and this place opened up, I got that tingling up my spine that you always said was more about fear than findings, but I tell you…I mean we found the edge of the central hub and when we shone our lights down and couldn’t see the bottom, I knew. I knew this was going to be something…else. And we’re only just getting the sense of the place. It’s almost like a hive. And yeah, I can hear you shouting, “Ben, the Proximans aren’t insects!”, but the circular shape just kinda puts me in mind of that.

You know how I hate Hollister’s “Proximan’s-are-adapted-for-climbingand- they-have-vertical-architecture-therefore-they-must-have-lived-in-rockfaces” hypothesis? I mean, sure they don’t seem to be as big a fan of the horizontal planes and wide open spaces that humans prefer, but it was a hell of a leap to make from the few sites we’ve seen.

But…I gotta say, sitting here now…looking down into the abyss below me, I can’t help thinking maybe he has something. Much as I hate to admit it. This place is definitely taller than it is wide. There are rings around the central shaft but it drops away for miles. And in deference to Hollister, the shaft is a lot like a rock cavern. Not that I like giving deference to Hollister.

The height of the levels tell a different story, though. Each level has at least a 20-foot ceiling. For a species that only stood around five feet tall, that’s a lot of head space, you know? It’s like being in a land of giants. If I was establishing a colony on a planet that still needed terraforming I think I would use space a bit more efficiently. But hey, if you’re gonna spend years underground waiting for the place to be ready, maybe it’s nice not to feel so cramped. Who knows. Might be a paper in that discussion alone. I’m sitting on the edge of the shaft as I talk to you. It’s about 150 metres across. I can see the lights that the bots are setting up on the other side, twinkling like a whole bunch of glow worms.

No, better, a cavernous vertical sea of stars and I’m just floating on it. I mean seriously, check this out…

[He gets up and walks to the edge of the shaft]

BEN: (singing, his words bouncing back over and over again as they are taken up by the echoes)
There was a wild Colonial Boy,
Jack Doolan was his name.
Of poor but honest parents he,
Was born in Castlemaine.
He was his father’s only hope,
His mother’s pride and joy.
And dearly did his parents love,
The Wild Colonial Boy.

[In the distance a lone clap can be heard]

VOICE: (shouting in the distance) Hey! Save it for happy hour!

BEN: (with a laugh) Thanks for coming out! You’ve been a great crowd! I’m here for the next four months!

[He walks back to the his recorder]

VOICE 2: (shouting in the distance) Now do Sweet Home Alabama!

BEN: Oh. Side note: My winning streak in the shipboard Karaoke competition continues unbroken. Though that new biologist Kathy has got some pipes on her.

Anyway, as you can hear we’ve got so much space to cover that I’m not sure we have enough lighting units to light the whole place up. Even setting them a hundred yards apart around the edge of the shaft on each level it’ll still be a struggle. And the levels become more of a warren lower down. Mind you, I’m pretty sure at least a part of the ceiling is translucent in some way. I haven’t been able to test it yet though, with light on Tefen’s surface being so bad due to the the thick atmosphere and cloud. So I’ll get back to you on that.

Anyway, we’ve got bots down to level 12, lighting the way and enhancing the 3D model with photogrammetry. The latest uploaded version will be in the data pod in the usual directory when you get this. Doesn’t do the place justice of course. You don’t see it so well with the lighting spaced out, but there’s a surprisingly large amount of colour on the walls. I guess the Proximans liked their decor on the garish side? Can’t recall anything like it aboard the wrecked ships we’ve found over the last couple of decades, so either they like to keep things utilitarian on vessels, or it’s a change in design aesthetic from their later history.

We have been confined to just the first three levels so far. I think lower down is where we’ll find more extensive sections of administration and maintenance and other facets of day-to-day life in the city, but these upper levels seem to be primarily living quarters. No obvious rec centres or shopping facilities, assuming they even have things like that. Hell, we know plenty about how Proximans travelled but almost nothing about how they lived apart from what we got from that small abandoned mining colony in the Epsilon Eridani system.

These living quarters are different to the ones found there. These comprise 8 rooms radiating off shared facilities that are probably a kitchen and gathering place. No idea of the exact social structure involved here, but the regular nature of the facilities suggests to me that these are either low level worker residences for crew of the Alpha site machine or the aliens had a greater sense of equality than we first thought. Hey, I’m just spit-balling here.

Here’s a hypothesis for you though, and one that Barnes isn’t going to like since it’ll mean she can’t keep us on so short a leash. We’ve just analysed some readings and samples that don’t support the idea that this place was carved from the surrounding rock. The floors are artificial. The alien equivalent of concrete, although far more complex and high tech than that, and more able to take wear and tear. And I don’t think it’s a coating added after the fact. I don’t even think they built this place here. I think it’s a pre-fab job they dropped here, not a constructed city. They carried an entire colony city in space, then buried it in the surface of the planet like a giant self-tapping screw digging its way into the ground. Call me crazy, and hey, many will, but if I’m right then Barnes can’t use any excuse about the risk of collapse or cave-in to keep us from exploring because this material is just too advanced and too damn strong. It’s no surprise really, given this place dates to at least 600 years after First Discovery. Yeah, I know. I buried the lead on that, didn’t I? So it’s 600 years more advanced than anything we’ve dealt with.

And that my dear Jennifer, means all kinds of possibilities. I mean we’ve always known they have a complex society, but finally being able to see that society in action in a true colony environment, and to see how they evolved socially over time, that ought to be a something to behold.

And we have over two miles of playground to explore. Can’t wait. As soon as we get the go ahead, I’m heading straight down. Only a few more sleeps til Christmas.


Wish you were here.

[Computer Chime: End Entry]

COMPUTER: Entry 3. Military Scientific Research Report.

[Computer Chime: Open Entry]



[Distant wind and occasional thunder can be heard from outside the Alpha Site, out on the planet’s surface. There is the regular buzz and squawk of the military comms channel from Riggs’ comms pack that she has set aside in order to record this report]

LAURA: Commence report: Lieutenant Laura Riggs, Military science division reporting. Day 3 of Herodotus mission, January 9th 2211.

As instructed, we have setup in the Alpha site and begun evaluating the technological and military significance of this find. We soon identified the facility’s command module and I have deployed the key members of the team there with secondary members around the installation’s periphery to document, scan and report. There’s a lot of ground to cover, but so far we have discovered that the facility is divided into four separate nodes, each with a different function in what appears to be an integrated system.

Initial data suggests that what we have designated node 1 is involved in atmospheric alteration and is complex enough that I’m not talking mere weather control. This baby is built to restructure the atmosphere of the entire planet. Hard to say if Tefen’s current atmospheric state is the result of their efforts or not. It seems unlikely since the atmosphere is shockingly toxic to humans and all life as we understand it, including the aliens. So our climatologist’s current working theory is that either this atmosphere is a kind of in between stage of the process, or perhaps a reversion of the atmosphere once the device ceased to function.

Node 2, which is almost a separate site in itself, seems to have been the central hub for what I’ll call ’drones’ that seed the ground with nutrients and biomatter to invigorate the soil. There is no indication from planetary scans that such deposits exist. It is possible they have been dispersed by the wind or even destroyed by the acidity of the atmosphere. It is also possible this node was intended to be used in a later stage in the process. This will need to be confirmed. We have yet to ascertain the functions of Nodes 3 and 4, but the hypothesis that this facility was built to terraform the whole planet appears borne out.

We have located something akin to system logs and from what we can ascertain, the device was in use for approximately seven years. This suggests a lot of time and effort was invested in this process before they stopped. I suppose the civilian teams will be attempting to answer why they stopped, but I am more concerned with the benefits of this technology, not a history lesson.

Which brings me to something I want to discuss. I must advise that the work is going more slowly than it could. Most of the expertise on translation and alien tech is with the civilian teams. This is greatly hampering my efforts. With their help I could probably get through initial assessments in about half the time and then spend the rest of the expedition actually studying and perhaps even testing the alien technology. But the civilians have gone all kid in a candy store over the Beta site. It is a remarkable place. And no doubt we can learn a lot from it, but they don’t seem to appreciate the practicalities of the separatist problem. We are at war and our way of life is under threat. Any advantage we can gain by discovering and adapting alien technology for our counter-insurgency effort is of paramount importance.

As such, Ms Connolly, I would like to make a formal request for the heads of technology and archaeology to be placed at my disposal for a period of time so I can use their skills to expedite the process of understanding the system and how it was controlled. Comptroller Barnes seemed reluctant to pull rank, and while I can appreciate she has enough to worry about with logistics and mission safety, this opportunity is too great to ignore. Which is why I’m going over her head. As I have a job to do and a limited time to do it in, I will commandeer any tool or resource to ensure its success. And that includes people.

Finally one more item of note: there is currently no evidence this facility is entirely inactive or dormant. We have not been able to thoroughly evaluate how it gets its power, but, despite the dust, the machine shows no sign of deterioration. It is entirely possible that, should active tests of the equipment be desired, we may be able to run them once we know how this technology functions. Observing the process in action would be highly instructive, and might be the key to finally cracking the terraforming trick for humanity. With it we could maintain a stronger strategic presence in our corner of the galaxy, and quickly access and exploit exoplanetary resources instead of relying on small, inefficient, resource-consuming, mining colonies. This could be the key to humanity’s future. Please bear this in mind when evaluating my request.

Lieutenant Riggs out.

[Computer Chime: End Entry]

COMPUTER: Entry 4. Xenobiology and Xenoanthropology

[Computer Chime: Begin Entry]



[In the background the sounds of a deep scanner at work. Scanning, then processing, scanning, then processing]

[The rustle of paper as Kathy consults her notes]

KATHY: So I guess I start with, um commence report: Kathy Winters speaking. And then my title? So that’s assistant to Dr Celia Penella, head of biological science Herodotus miss- …wait, I’m not an assistant, I’m second in charge of–

CELIA: Just get on with it, Kathy.

KATHY: Shouldn’t I start again. I mean–

CELIA: We have work to do.

KATHY: Right. Uh, hi Ms Connolly. Look I’ll get the protocol right next time. I’m sorry, I’m kind of nervous. I didn’t know I’d have to do these reports. I mean I always thought department head status reports were the job of the, you know, head of department, but Celia says they are far too busy to worry about these things so I should just take care of it. And since this is my first field assignment I guess I should just, um, play along.

CELIA: (under breath) If you want to stay employed you will.

KATHY: Um, Celia. If this is a waste of your time shouldn’t you–

[Celia steps closer as she speaks]

CELIA: I didn’t say it was a waste of time. I said it was beneath me to send status reports. If Jennifer Connolly and the rest of the big wigs want to check up on my progress they can review my field notes and daily logs. Having to add a status report so self-important executives can have the expertise of three doctorates boiled down to a one page memo is both insulting and incredibly lazy. So I do not do them. My assistants–

KATHY: Second in charge.

CELIA: Assistants do them.

KATHY: Well, either way isn’t…both of us being here right now, you know, a waste of t–, I mean an inefficient use of your expertise.


CELIA: Very well. Don’t forget to update on our medical status. Join me in the scan bay when you’re done.

[Celia walks to the door which slides to allow her through, then closes again]

KATHY: So this is the uh, report from the biological department. I’m Dr Kathy Winters, speaking on behalf of Dr Celia Pennella, and here is my report.

Proximan remains have been found on site. We are currently studying them in situ. It will be at least a day, maybe two before we remove them to conduct a lab examination, but here’s what we’ve observed so far:

The skeleton was found on the second level of the city, sorry, the Beta site, out on the central concourse near the edge of the internal shaft, and it was complete with no obvious signs of disturbance, which probably means they died where they were found. Using the biological parameters of this first body, Dr Pennella had the tech team reprogram the drones to scan for other likely remains and so far they have marked the locations of at least 200 more potential bodies. Some of them are sealed into what the archaeologists are suggesting are living chambers, so they might be better preserved. If so they will give us more biological data to work with than this first one.

Uh, we’ve discussed the idea, well when I say discussed I mean that Dr Pennella has talked and the rest of us have nodded, that so many dead individuals is likely linked to why the site was abandoned. It makes sense. We’ve only found remains on levels 2 through 6 so far, and with the only known exits being at the top of the city, this could indicate an evacuation gone wrong. It could also be some sort of disease, but that makes less sense if the rooms where the bodies are located are in fact living quarters and not hospices or infirmaries.

I also suggested they were fleeing something they uncovered deep in the depths of the place when they dug down too deep, like the balrog in Lord of the Rings. But I got mostly weird looks from everyone and a reminder from Dr Pennella that wild speculation has no place in the scientific process. I don’t think anyone reads classic literature anymore…Or appreciates my jokes.

And I guess I should add, my speculation about indigenous space balrogs notwithstanding, there’s no indication of anything alive here.

From a xenoanthropological point of view, looking at this site as a whole, given the size, it was intended to support between 50 and 80 thousand Proximans. Granted I’m basing that on human models, but the size of the place alone supports the idea of this being a working city. This wasn’t just a base to support the terraforming of a planet for a potential colony. This was the colony.

When I showed my modelling to Goran Ivanovich, suggested the 200 people we’ve found were the only ones stationed here — that the Proximans just sent out a skeleton crew to oversee terraforming and would slowly expand towards a full colony through natural birth rate. We don’t have a lot of data on their breeding patterns and rates of reproduction, but 200 seems a small pool, genetically speaking, from which to grow an entire population. 500 is the generally accepted minimum viable population amongst Earth species, and the need to select carefully to have the required expertise and training to fulfil the tasks a place like this would require, while also being genetically diverse from your peers…you’d need more to be safe. Well, that’s my opinion anyway. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to have opinions on these things, but there it is.

Anyway that’s…oh right I almost forgot. Medical status update. Dr Pennella wanted me to pass on that all testing thus far indicates no sign of biological contamination or any inert viruses or other possible dangers to personnel. Monitoring will continue and the crew are all up to date on their immuno-boosters. They said Dr Chang from medical would have more specific data in his results but since it’s technically under the biological team’s purview they wanted it formally covered in the report.

So there it is…Formally covered in the report.

I guess that’s about it. I’m sure there will be a lot more to talk about once we get the bones to the lab. I’m sorry I was a bit all over the place when I started this thing. It’s a little easier without Dr Pennella looking over my shoulder, and I’ll do better next time.

Uh, so I guess that wraps it up. Um. End report?


[Computer Chime: End Entry]

COMPUTER: Entry 5. Technology Report.

[Computer Chime: Begin Entry]



[The background hum of a computer server can be heard in the background.]

GORDON: Commence report: Gordon Price, Head of Research into Alien Technology reporting. And since I’m sure it will come up, I’d like to get this out of the way up front. I never was good at obeying orders. So before I have to defend this to you when Barnes or, god forbid, Lieutenant Laura Stick-in-the-mud get wind of it, let me say this: I have broken the embargo on going beyond the top levels. I have in fact been all the way to the bottom of the shaft and beyond. And while I will not apologise I will, since you are, at least on paper, my superior, give you my reasons.

Early on in the scanning phase I recognised the kind of heat signatures given off by latent alien technology that is still active. Which is, after all, what I’m here to find. So I did some calculations. At the rate we were scanning it would be a minimum of two weeks before Barnes gave the all clear for free movement through the site. With only four months here a 12% loss of time is unacceptable. I could not justify it, not with the chance something down there was still on. And I’m not talking about something as prosaic as a lighting system and you know it.

If you weigh up your shock at my disobedience against your desire to know what I found down there, you’ll know I’m right.

It was quite the journey I can assure you. I rode down on one of the bots set to emergency transport mode. In the dark, too, because I couldn’t afford its lights being seen from above. Down into the depths, trusting the bot’s scanners would keep us from ploughing into the ground. I trust my skills of course, but that doesn’t always mean I trust the technology I’m working with.

At the bottom of the main shaft I found two narrower shafts, elevator size, that go down another 20 metres. I only had some personal scanning equipment with me at the time, but I suspect this is where the upper city and its industrial underbelly meet. And further down again we’ll find geothermal powerplants and waste reclamation systems and all the things that keep a city ticking.

Which fits with the fact that at the bottom of the two secondary shafts I found a chamber. Walls glowing blue. Several display units still putting out data in Proximan. Something is ticking over down there. It’s not dead. I’m not sure yet what I was looking at, since our most recent understanding of alien computing comes from six hundred years farther back in their history, so while we’re not talking an abacus to a personal computer level of jump, it’s still going to take some time to determine what we have here. But, at first glance, I believe this might be the central control room and primary monitoring station for the whole city.

Now if that find isn’t enough to excuse my little infraction, then let me add two other points of note.

One. A dead alien. Lying in the centre of the floor. Only one present. I would say this place is intended to have 20 people working at any one time, assuming I am correctly interpreting some of the machines as monitoring workstations. Many workstations, yet only
one dead body. Certainly a mystery for our archaeological team to sink their teeth into.

The second discovery is a box. Sitting on the floor in the middle of the room. Now I say ‘box’, but it is certainly some sort of tech. Perhaps a mainframe. It’s sitting there on the floor with leads and connection points yet is separate from the rest of the system. There are recesses in a nearby console that seem the logical points of attachment, but it is unplugged. I will say I was tempted to just connect it up and see what happened, but I’m not that crazy, whatever my psych eval might say.

It’s clearly a computer of some kind, but the shape and size of it is like nothing I’ve seen. A cube maybe 30 inches on all sides. Portable. Probably weighs forty kilos, so it’s a struggle, but I can lift it. Not featureless. Covered in all kinds of markings. It doesn’t appear to be writing, but is definitely something to do with its purpose. And it’s warm. Like it’s still drawing power from somewhere or has its own internal source despite being unplugged from the system.

I knew this place was going to give me all kinds of mysteries to solve, but here I am on the third day of the mission and I think I’ve found the biggest one. And the oldest and most pure mystery man has ever known.

What’s in the box?

I’m sure Ben would make some sort of reference to Pandora here, but that seems a little on the nose. I left it where I found it of course, since my violation of protocol only goes so far. I didn’t have much in the way of equipment with me, but what readings I could get were consistent with their standard computer technology, yet more…dense? Like there’s multi-layering – bits turning back upon themselves.

Whatever it is, it’s powerful. And a huge leap forward for us if we can master its secrets. I would like to make this the main focus of my personal investigations here. With permission of course. If there is any blowback from my breaking of the embargo I’m sure you can smooth it over. I know the main corporate and military interest here is in the Alpha site facility, but I think this is the key.

The key to understanding why this site was abandoned. The key to understanding how so much of this alien tech works.

Hell, maybe the key to mankind’s future is in here.

What’s in the box? I will find out.

[Computer Chime: End Entry]

COMPUTER: End Status Report 1.

[Computer Chime: End of Status Report]

[Theme Music Plays]

COMPUTER ANNOUNCEMENT: This episode of Among the Stars and Bones featured the voices of:

JULIA: Julia Eve as Adrienne Barnes.

LUCILLE: Lucille Valentine as Janine Hattersley.

CHRIS: Chris Magilton as Ben Kelleher.

LINDSEY: Lindsey Dorcus as Lieutenant Laura Riggs.

JORDAN: Jordan Cobb as Kathy Winters.

SHAKIRA: Shakira Searle as Dr Celia Pennella.

GRAHAM: Graham Rowat as Gordon Price.

DEVIN: Devin Madson as The Computer.

COMPUTER ANNOUNCEMENT: The work of the Eudoxus Initiative is made possible by generous research grants from our patrons. If you too would like to support humanity’s understanding of alien technology, culture and history, go to patron.com/amongthestarsandbones. For a transcript of this report or additional information, go to amongthestarsandbones.com. If you enjoyed this report, please consider supporting us by rating, reviewing and recommending us. Thank you for listening.